Tolle lege, tolle lege. (43)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DMquotations
Wherever conquest led him, Alexander the Great made it a point to have botanical specimens sent back to Aristotle, who had been his tutor. A copy of the Iliad that he carried in a jeweled chest contained emendations in Aristotle’s handwriting. (44)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DMBookshelf
If still extant, one can’t even imagine how much this copy of the Iliad would be worth.
Cover her face; mine eyes dazzle; she died young. (45)
#DMquotations #DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DMBookshelf
Leonardo’s notebooks indicate that he knew the sun did not move before Copernicus did. (46)
Nobody came. Nobody called. (47)
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