Bohemia. A desert country near the sea. (58)
#DM Map #DMquotations #DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DMBookshelf 
Rule: Read any work mentioned by name, quotation, or character.

In 1911, an Italian house painter named Vincenzo Perruggia who had been working at the Louvre managed to remove the Mona Lisa from its frame and walk out with it under his overalls. 
And to go unsuspected until he tried to sell it two years later. (59)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DM Map #DMGallery #DMTimeline 

Before Sylvia Plath turned on her oven to commit suicide, she left bread and butter and milk in the bedroom where her two children were sleeping. (60)
Always a bit confused on the mechanics. Is it the heat or gas of the stove that is lethal? The heat seems improbable. If it is the gas, why aren’t the children dead?

Leibniz: Why is there anything at all rather than nothing? (61)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #Speculation

When Daumier was sixty, destitute and almost blind, Corot bought the house Daumier was renting and gave it to him. (62)

Der Untergang des Abendlandes. (63)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DMBookshelf

Protagonist living near a disused cemetery, perhaps? (64)

A sense somehow of total retreat? Abandonment? (65)

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