Knut Hamsun was once a horse-car conductor in Chicago. (73)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DM Map

Throughout the Middle Ages, often no more than a single manuscript of certain classics existed. One leaking monastery roof and the Satyricon could have been lost forever, for instance. (74)

Mallarmé learned English specifically to read Poe (75)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #GreatsOnGreats

Walter the Penniless. Peter the Hermit. (76)

During the four years that Dostoievsky spent at hard labor in Siberia for political conspiracy, the only book he was allowed was the New Testament. Though once in a prison hospital he found Pickwick Papers and David Copperfield. (77)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DMBookshelf 

Deus Vult (78)

Raymond Chandler lived with his mother until her death when he was thirty-five. And then almost immediately married a woman seventeen years older than he was. (79)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #parents
🎵 He loooooved his mother

An enthusiasm for Poe is the mark of a decidedly primitive stage of reflection.
Said Henry James. (80)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #GreatsOnGreats

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