Albert Camus’ father was killed in the Battle of the Marne when Camus was only months old. His mother was an illiterate charwoman. (66)

Once, at dinner, with great delicacy Brahms told Tchaikovsky that he did not approve of his work.
With equal delicacy Tchaikovsky told Brahms that he did not approve of his. (67)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #GreatsOnGreats

After Byron and Leigh Hunt and Trelawny burned Shelly’s body on the beach at Viareggio, they got drunk. Boisterously, shouting and laughing and even singing.
Then again, they had been dealing with remains already five weeks bloated and decomposed. Bryon had at least once turned sick. (68)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DM Map #ThisIsTheEndMyFriend

Ah, did you once see Shelley plain? (69)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DMBookshelf

In Königsberg, where he spent his entire life, Immanuel Kant had several sisters and a brother and did not see any of them for a quarter of a century. At one point he had a letter from the brother and did not answer it for two and a half years. (70)
#DMGuidetoIllustriousPersons #DM Map

Nonlinear? Discontinuous? Collage-like? (71)

An assemblage? (72)

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